Saturday 22 April 2023

Incredible laboratories from around the world

Every year on April 23rd, World Laboratory Day celebrates the place where great inventions are made for a better life. It’s also a day to recognize the scientists who do important research and experiments to help the world.

We found some incredible laboratories around the world:

SNOLAB is interesting.Scientists investigate the astroparticle.They build this laboratory underground.This laboratory is in Canada.Scientists work with miners.

CERN is 175 meters below the ground in Geneve , Switzerland. It has the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It has a 27 km long magnetized ring. 

Sanford Underground Research Facility , in South Dacota, USA, is 500 meters below the ground.The old iron mine gives information about the particles in the universe. It also runs experiments involving neutrinos and dark matter.

GRAN SASSO NATIONAL LABORATORY is covered with 1400 meters of rock. It is 120 meters away from Rome. It does theoretical and experimental research on subnuclear, nuclear and astroparticle physics.

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